What It Means To Dream

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I dream in my sleep.  How does it feel so real?  One time I realized I was dreaming and decided to fly.  I could feel the sun’s warmth, hear the air flow, and see thousands below living their dreamy lives.  As my body rests, my mind explores.

Theories for why or how we dream intrigue me, but we can only use our senses to make educated guesses.  I had a dream that I achieved what I needed to and grew into who I believed I could be I woke up from that dream over four months ago in the middle of the night just to start this.

My dream means everything to me.  It’s constantly changing, evolving, growing.  I love thinking about what it could be, but I’ll only know in time.  For now it fills me with hope, through thoughts I’m thankful for and feelings I need to succeed.  My dream is my future; your future is your dream.  Our dreams will have an impact that outlives us all.

What Will We Remember?

We dream every night, regardless of whether we remember.  We live lives we’re unaware of once we wake up.  It can be hard to follow what happened.  What else have we experienced that we simply don’t remember?

Following our dreams can be hard.  Without passionately pursing them we may wake up one day wondering what happened.  If we kept working to achieve them, they’d fill our lives with meaning and gleeful memories. They’re our reason for being, our ikigai.


Focus on the Feeling of Succeeding

I hope more will have these meaningful dreams every night.  They need our attention before we sleep for them to develop subconsciously into our dreams.  The more we focus on our ideal future, and the more we follow this vision, the closer we get to living our dreams.  This is the mindset that’s needed to get over the countless obstacles that will be in our way. 

It takes a lifetime of effort, persistence, and determination to get where we want to be.  We must focus inward to get over external hurdles.  Some will face less, some will face more.   Do we see them as reasons we’ll come short of success or as opportunities for growth?

Find What Your Life Depends On

Finding the time, motivation, and freedom to help others isn’t made easy.  For many, it feels like the only option is to settle for work we don’t want to do, look forward to when we don’t have to do it, and focus on retirement when we won’t have to do it anymore.  When that time comes, would we feel fulfilled?  Would we feel like we positively impacted others?

It’s my dream to help others dream.  I believe many go in undesirable directions because we are told to think realistically.  The life of this world is in desperate need of more dreamers.  No matter what stands in your way, dream of being the change we need to see.

It takes time to find your dream.  Focus on who you’d love to be.  Follow it like it’s someone you love, someone you’re thankful for. Follow it like your life depends on it, because it does. 

Paul Mayberry

Hi! My name is Paul, and I help promote holistic healing and conscious living.

I write and create with loving intention to uplift, inspire, and empower humanity.

With my education and experience in marketing, I am here to support and encourage you as we attract awareness to your work and grow your success.

Let’s bring a new level of well-being to our world, together.


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