Paul4Peace2All - Conscious Living Writer, Musician, & Creator

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Into the Unfamiliar

In this moment of uncertainty we watch wild waves while waiting by the water.  The tide is quickly rising as we feel the waves calling, so we decide to venture into the unfamiliar.  As we take our first step in, the frigid feeling fires from foot to brain, saying step back and walk towards comfort.  If self-doubt rushes through with the first wave’s sharp splash, your mindset matters most.  Does discomfort discourage you from diving into your dreams, or are you determined to discover your destiny?

Diving into Discomfort is Difficult 

So why choose to do it?  In time, traveling further into the water leads to the feelings we were after all along: exhilaration, excitement, euphoria.  If we stepped away, we’d have missed out; it’d be hard to understand how anyone could get past the waves we see.  We’d be left behind, stuck with feelings of the past, struggling to move forward.  Even when safe and secure, the ever-changing turbulence of life could lift us away, and we’d feel unprepared if we never learned how to swim.

How to Swim the Waves of Uncertainty

Walking halfway in and back out is much more painful than jumping all the way in, yet this is the path many follow.  Ignore the many; follow what feels right for you.  First, and most importantly, picture exactly where you want your path to lead.  Imagine where the waters could take you.  Then start swimming.

Rough waters can make it harder to swim in the direction we choose.  True determination builds the strength needed to stay on track.  Waves of different sizes will come and go.  We can either learn to ride them or let them knock us down.  Either way we’ll be taken off course, but when we have control, it’s much easier to remember where we were headed before the waves had ever formed.

What if We Just Keep Swimming?

A lifetime of swimming could get us anywhere we believe to be possible, so long as we never give up.  If we let a big wave or rough currents control what we thought was possible, we’ll end up blaming the water for where we are.  As we swim towards our desired dream, we realize that every challenge helped us grow into who we needed to be.

We have a choice.  Move towards the frigid waters or sit still in the sand?  Swim with the destination in mind or swim wherever the currents take us?  Work the muscles needed to stay on track or let the waves stop us from working towards our destiny?