Paul4Peace2All - Conscious Living Writer, Musician, & Creator

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Good News, Planet Earth! - April 2020

Think of how much of our world’s air and water has already become cleaner from changes in our habits.  Think of all the trees being saved thanks to virtual work and switching away from paper products.  Think of how many are now cooking healthier meals and remembering that food comes from soils, not stores.  Think of all those enjoying more time outdoors and connecting with the life that surrounds us.

There’s a lot to think about right now, so here’s another “Good News, Planet Earth!” to remind us of all the good that can come from change. 

Pennsylvania Initiative to Convert 10,000 Acres of Lawns into Meadows, Forests

By Ad Crable – Apr 8, 2020

Photo : Ryan Davis

  • Since lawns have no value to wildlife, are difficult to maintain, and do much more harm than good, Pennsylvania launched a campaign to convert 10,000 acres of mowed grass into meadows or forests by 2025 in areas that drain into the Chesapeake Bay

  • This “conservation landscaping” is a priority in Pennsylvania’s official plan to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay

  • In addition to these state-funded pilot projects, resource materials and how-to guides will be released to help landowners convert their lawns on their own

  • A committee of landscaping, environmental, and educational groups are bringing together partners who can expand on this initiative

This Good News shows the importance of replacing open areas of land with native plants and trees, and reminds us that these important changes are being understood and prioritized now more than ever.

As Coronavirus Shutdowns Reduce Air Pollution, European Solar Generation Breaks Records

By E360 Digest – Apr 23, 2020

Photo : Windwärts Energie GMBH / Mark Mühlhaus

  • Germany, Spain, and the UK, three of Europe’s biggest economies, achieved new records in solar generation

  • Coronavirus-related shutdowns, along with ideal weather, helped cause a drop in air pollution that cleared skies and boosted solar energy generation

This Good News is a good example of how countries all over the world are relying less on fossil fuels and more on renewable energy, while also showing a bright side to the shutdowns.

Loop’s Zero-Waste Everyday Product Delivery Service is Expanding to the Whole U.S.

By Adele Peters – Apr 22, 2020

Photo : Loop

  • The startup Loop, which partners with big brands to provide reusable packaging, saw record sales in March and April as people switched from shopping in stores to shopping online

  • The platform offers over 200 products and has now expanded to reach all over the US

  • When a container is empty, the consumer simply schedules a pickup and sends the container back to be fully sanitized for another customer, eliminating the waste involved in traditional packaging

This Good News provides a peek into how packaging waste will be eliminated from e-commerce in the future, and shows how consumers are increasingly happy to make this change for the health of our planet.

Grow Your Own: Urban Farming Flourishes in Coronavirus Lockdowns

By Rina Chandran – Apr 7, 2020

Photo : REUTERS/Charles Platiau

  • Coronavirus lockdowns have pushed more city dwellers than ever before to grow fruits and vegetables in their own homes as seed sales have been on the rise

  • When supermarket shelves began to empty, many people started thinking about where their food actually comes from, inspiring the urge to be more self-sufficient

  • Urban farming improves nutrition and food security, lowers stress, and reduces climate change

  • Vertical and rooftop farming is on the rise to meet the needs of growing city populations

This Good News shows how the pandemic caused many to start growing and gaining a better connection with their own food, an important step towards meeting the nutritional needs for growing urban populations around the world.

Community Supported Agriculture Is Surging Amid the Pandemic

By Hannah Ricker and Mara Kardas-Nelson – Apr 9, 2020

Photo : CUESA/Eatwell Farm

  • Farms involved in Community Supported Agriculture are seeing massive increases in their memberships following the pandemic

  • In CSAs, members pay up front to receive produce throughout the season, and in return, CSA members regularly get boxes of fresh, local produce

  • CSAs have been a central part of the organic, local food movement and revitalizes the idea that what is locally produced should be locally consumed

This Good News is yet another example of how the pandemic inspired positive changes, which in this case is connecting more people with fresh, local, organic produce straight from the source, allowing more to receive their food directly from local farmers.